Aiguilles magiques
Tout sur les aiguilles.

Tricoter, coudre, broder, recycler : apprendre et découvrir.

Advent Calendar 2018

An Advent calendar free software themed.

Avent 2018

For this calendar, I designed 24 knitting charts on the theme of free software that you will discover during the 24 days before Christmas, and a bonus.

I knitted some, other not or still not.

If all the charts are in public domain, it is not the case of the logos. It is to you to verify if and how you can use them.

Their are just fan-art, nothing official or affiliated to the various organizations or softwares of which the charts refer.

You even can design your own charts on this base using the spreadsheet linked to this rubric, or the template that also gives all the instructions to make any chart on any size you want.

Panorama des grilles du calendrier de l’Avent 2018
Vignettes des 24 fiches de grille.
Id 2019
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